Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Taxi Story


Exams are over! yea! but worried about the results>.<

In this post I will tell you about the time I took a taxi with my mother and sis

Okay... that day... I obviously forgot which day it was....
And I forgot why we took the taxi.....
so the main part is about the taxi driver haha...
so... I was sitting directly behind the taxi driver...
then I don't know why.. maybe the driver had nothing to say or something,
he saw me cute cute chubby chubby
 so he said to me don't eat so much macdonald (or something like that).. if not Ronald Mcdonald or ppl will eat me!
then I was quite scared o.o
I think he wanted me to be afraid of macdonald and not eat too much of it..
BUT... I was more afraid of him than mcdonald.. LOL
So whenever we wanted to take the taxi... I always had the fear...
I always had to ask my mother if this taxi driver was gonna eat me..
Haha okay I think I wasn't that scared lah..
But that taxi driver really left a great impact on me, even now I still can rmb O.O
Moral of the story is?
whateva u do... dun scare little children.. or they'll rmb u for life...

Chilidren would not be scared by food!! :P

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Common test!

Studying for CT so this will be a short post.... 

Ok bye! 

End of post~