Friday, March 30, 2012

Unriddle 2 ended????

Argh I wasted like almost 5 months.....
Well at least I kinda memorized the tv program timings! xP
After looking at the 2 free "trolley bags" from giodarno... I feel like traveling around Asia.. :D

Anyway.. Today is the last ep of unriddle 2!
Hmmm well.. The ending was kinda unclear... And many ppl died in this show.. So... I dk...

Hope there's an unriddle 3 but after thinking... I don't think there's anything to show in unriddle 3 as many characters are dead...

I would like to see a better ending...
The ending looked like there's more to it...
So xiaoman went S.korea and found the professor guy...
She looked like she was gonna kill him... But also looked like she's going to the dark side~

Hmm I think the story writer wants us to think of the ending ourselves???
Ok then.... I'll make the ending for u:D

Stay tuned for the next post while I think of the ending! :D

Ok done~

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