How to encourage yourself not to be a SUPER LAZY BUM BUM and TO DIY!!!
Have you been asking ppl to do stuff for u everytime?? well i
here are some helpful advices... enjoy~ (they are for me too)
NO.1 : Tell yourself that you are an abled person! u hv hands and legs, so go DIY!
NO.2 : its an EXERCISE!! by DIY, u are moving and burning away some fatssss... :D
NO.3: Owing someone a favor.... by asking others to get sth/ do sth for u... next time u hv to do sth for them... so... if u dun wanna owe anybody..... DIY!!... unless u like to play loansharks....
NO.4 : Spare a thought for others...... dont mafan them to do stuff for you... others are as lazy
as u!
I myself also must change... [say only] haha...
so dont give excuses....! start today (me too) dont mafan ppl to help u do stuff...
ok maybe if its 顺便(on the way) can lar... BUT! Rmb to say....

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