Sunday, February 12, 2012


ok hmm... sunday is kinda over.... but nevermind... this shall be sunday's post:D

today went ikea with fam^^

ate this for lunch!!

yea! coke!! onion rings!!! fish!!!

yummy aint it....?? just looking at the pic makes me feel hungry... :D

then.... we cross over to anchor point(?) to check out pet lovers {shop} if they sell chinchillas...

hmmm nope.. only bunnies and ham ham:( so far only city sq mall's pet lover sells chins...

"tmr" is monday... another lonely day.... hope mama rmb to give me my roller blades..:)

she's in a bad mood lately.... so i dk if i should pester her with it... :(

only if i knew where she kept them o.o

anw.... i gotta help packie the room tmr ba... just stuff and hide things in the corner.. to make it look neater.. Muahahahaha......

end of post~~

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