Saturday, February 25, 2012

the package....

Got my enrolment package yesterday....

Lotsa Lotsa papers to be filled....
so being a typical kiasu singaporean... went for a medical checkup right after receiving it!

went to Ang mo Kio community hosp, family clinic(?) to checkup:)
procedure was super mafan ttm!

why leh?

There are many many steps....

Step 1: Register~~

Step 2: Xray... first must go in a changing room to wear a disposable gown

then come out, give Hp to my mama and go to xray room
only got 1 male doc leh! :O

Step 3: go medical checkup at another area
- pee in a container

- take height and weight
- test eyesight, colour blindness
- check BP

Step 4: go see another doc?
-check heart beat?? using stethoscope?
- check stomach?

Step 5: go home! :P

Evening off to city square mall, eat my fav pepper rice! i love it ttm!!
plus desert chendol!

ok done~

P/s: Do visit my tumblr @ for random and funny pictures/post or jokes!

it would be updated more often ba! do visit and suppork me!! or... u can just dun do anything...


Ok done~

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