Saturday, December 5, 2009

back from a LONG LONG TOILET BREAK.....
so 3rd joke..... not made by me.... but its quite funny if u understand it...
joke by spike milligan. whos Mr spike? search it on google, msn, yahoo to find out...

i've changed the joke alittle but concept still da same... :D enjoy... :]

2 thieves were chased by policemen!!!! :O
Theif A: Hey! quick hide behind this pane of GLASS , b4 they see us!!
Theif B: but you can see through it!!
Theif A: not if you close your eyes!
Theif B: You're right!

I wish this was my own joke!!!

WAIT! dun go yet!!!! i have a challenge for you!!!!
how to make the letter "Y" with only 1 finger???

the end....

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