Wednesday, March 12, 2014

You're not fat unless you explode!

OK I'm back to blog!
This will be another nonsense advice post that MAY or may NOT help you:D

Many PeoPLe are upset with their body. sometimes me too

Well let LAMETOUFU give you some words of comfort : "THERE THERE, you are not alone"

Here's how to not feel so bad about your body:

-Buy the right mirror, cos' the left mirror will always make you look a little more chubbier:)

-Do NOT compare your body with skinny ppl, (esp athletes,models, actors)
Cos' the more you look the worse you feel?
They have skinny bodies cos' they have to, they sacrifice a lot to have this "perfect" bodies. We   should not be suffering so much just to have their bodies.

-What you should do: Aim for a healthy range

- HOW?
Hokey pokey.
When standing, try not to stand still. Shake a bit here, shake a bit there.
This will not only lose some calories, it will also prevent mosquito bites HAHA..

warning: ppl may think you're crazy..

okay that's the end of the how to not feel so bad about your body!
hope that helps...

End of post~


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