Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rainy day WOOh!

Today, it rained and rained and rained and rained.....

unfortunately... no hail stone..  and luckily... I was at home!:D so YAY, I'm dry, and you're wet haha:P

Well.. the rain had caused a huge flood at AYE O_O

For circumstances like this I just have one thing to say..

Singapore has so many flood incidents lately... good excuse to go work/school LATE :P
AND... we should really consider having a river market like Thailand:D
Good for the economic eh?
HaHa just kidding.. but really should consider! well hope that the flooding cases will decrease~
But overall, today was cool and nice except the thunder that woke me up :(

woah seems that it will be rainy the whole of this week and next!!
So?  Remember to bring your umbrella !! Don't be lazy!!
In worst cases.....
Credits : The Art Junkie

You can use it as a boat!! :P
End of post~

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