Friday, April 19, 2013

What to do in loooong queues??


people are getting MORE and MORE....
That's why ah queues are getting Longer... and LONGER-ER...!!


SO.. what u gonna do when your're stuck in a long queue?



haha just kidding:P

I've got a few suggestions on what to do while waiting so u won't feel so SiAN...

1) Listen to ppl's gossip:)
It's kinda fun to hear the ppl in front and back of u gossip abt stuff haha..
and if you're lucky u might even get some tips offs on sales etc etc....

2) Listen to music
U listen to music in the bus, mrt, now u can listen to music in queues!!
actually i saw this at a queue in a bank! o.o


3) Observe the ppl's features (eg. which foot the step first?)
Do this If u really hv nothing to do..
but.... don't keep staring at one person.. if not...
they use their handbag and smack u! haha :P
taken from loonpond's blog >.<

4) Make temporary frens??
er... if you're really "thick skin" you can make frens with those ppl in the queue, by starting a conversation or sth?
Eg.... " Today... the weather very hot ah?"
Then TADA! frens already:D


ok so i only have 4 suggestions...
not that good also...haha
DISCLAIMER: THESE PICS ARE NOT MINE SO YEA.......................................
                           I HAB PLACED THE LINKES RESPECTIVELY.....
END of post~

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