NOTE: this would be a long post.....
Yesterday was first day of orientation and i felt so depressed lol~~~~
It suddenly came to my mind that the whole class would be completely strangers~
NO one was in the same sch as me not even in the same course~~
i had to start over again:( the feeling was like......
"after u complete a puzzle then u suddenly kick it and u have to redo it:P"
I was getting stressed when everyone was already having their own "cliques"
and I was the only lonely one~~ ok maybe there were other lonely ones... but I was the quietest:O
So first we had to intro ourselves~~ my voice not loud enough eh eh~ so some mistook my "li"
as "min" LOL~ it was kinda funny!
then i think we played some icebreaker games...
the usual 2 games are.....
hais... whacko was... hmmm.. haha coz ppl didn't know the names yet lor~
played blow wind blow until i Kena forfeit~ ALAMAK~
so must do the "i feel so good cheer"
"I feel so good! Ah! AH! i feel so GOod!
Ah Ah! i feel so good, i feel so good, i feel so good!
Ah! AH! ahhhhh~"
"Buffet!!" kinda?
haha many ppl didnt like the dry horrible food but... i found it ok leh?
dry meh? haha~
so when ppl ask me is the food ok? i said ok lah~
we tour around the school and SQUEEZE IN THE LIFT!
gosh i do not like the squeezing~
haha although the OGL brought us around the whole place .... i still dk
where is where~
we met our personal mentor~ MR Lim Ah Choon
and he explain all the school stuff until i became stress~~ :O
then we practice MASS DANCE!
this is the only mass dance im willing to do... well kinda~ coz the steps is not embarrasing~
then we practice our cheer~~
oh this was a torture~
the waiting was a torture~ i had a headache:(
there were so many classes!
i like our cheer though~
it reminds me of sec school days~~ miss my clique! and sec sch friends:'(
ended at 6.30~ half an hour late lor!
papa fetch me home reach home about 7? so late...
felt so moody as i was so lonely that day...
had a headache, felt so stress..
but it will get better~:D
i hope...
oh! and ppl were talking about a tsunami is taking place in singpore at 7.51am?
hmmm i knew it was not going to be true, but i had to believe it cos im NAIVE...
but it was like so true! trending on twitter and all~
ok done~