Monday, April 27, 2015

Motivate yourself

So yesterday, couldn't really sleep.. when I can't sleep, I will think and I end up thinking too much.

But yesterday's thinking was a good kind of thinking. I have thought of a few ways to motivate myself.

1) Do not ever think yourself as useless..

As long as you have the potential to learn, you can succeed. It only matters how much time it takes.
No matter how bad you are at a something, at least you know a bit of it, and even if you don't know anything about it, we can all start from the basics.

I like the phrase that my mama said to me: " Don't know, learn"

2) Slow is ok, as long as it's not stopped.

Learning slowly is okay, Im also a very slow learner, I also don't know why but my motion skills are just slower at stuffs so I kinda look blur and stupid.
But there's a good quote that motivates me but i forgot where its from " Slow is ok as long as your progress does not stop" (sth like that I can't rmb)

And another quote "slow and steady wins the race"

3) Don't ask how can I but ask yourself why can't you.

This sentence is from the channel 8 9pm show, tiger mum (Huang Bi Ren). Her character in her show is really motivational and funny. A recommended show to watch :D

That was all I have thought of last night and I think I fell asleep already feeling motivated LOL..

Anyway.. I'm not a motivational guru or some cool ass motivational speaker, but I hope this post have motivate you a slight bit, from not motivated to slightly not motivated. HAHA

End of post~