Friday, April 17, 2009

untitled titl...

New recruitment to the lame gang... Melissa ng... yay welcome....

Now is time for a joke......

Me: U must not eat pineapple from a pineapple tree....

Someone: why leh???

Me: bcoz....

Someone: bcoz wat???

Me: Bcoz pineapple dun grow on trees....

Someone: -_-''

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hi all....
warh... so many ppl say im boring.... why an i boring?
coz i want 2 break Guiness record... the most boring person in the world!!!
so must train my boredness everyday...

Ok next...
Today i just join my new gang... its call the lame gang...
cool right?

*Lame Toufu
*Lame abalone
* Me....

Our gang motto:
*If someone ask u to do sth.. always pretend u dunno..
* always ask for money even though u hv...
* Always pretend...

Our gang pledge:
We the members of the lame gang...
Pledge ourselves to be lame and lazy forever
regardless of critisim, bullies, and others....
to strive and gain for the guiness record...
so as to achieve money and more money...

the end...

Friday, April 3, 2009

sports day

there's nothing to post... but 2day is sports worst day of my life...
sit in the hot sun.... got shelter also like no shelter...
forgot to bring umbrella to block the sun...

what to bring the next spots day.... :
*aircon.... (just kidding..)
*cardboard (foolscsap paper) to fan myself
* 1 bottle of ice...
* sunblock
*big bag to put all the free mineral water....
* myself!!!....

thats all folks....